7 Smart Ways To Design Custom Exhibition Stand Display

7 Smart Ways To Design Custom Exhibition Stand Display

Usually, the creatively designed exhibition stands are very popular during the trade show. Trade shows and exhibitions are visited by thousands of people. You can convert them into successful leads for your business. But, if you want to convert the potential customers into your leads, then you should design an attractive exhibition stand.

Now, the competition level is growing day by day, and the best way to stand out in this cut-throat competition is to design an eye-catching custom exhibition stand. Here, in this article, we are going to discuss various tips and tricks that will help you design a custom trade booth that can leave a good impact on the trade show attendees. You can also hire the professionals who offer creative custom exhibition stall design and build service:

1) Interactive Trade Booth

Technology is growing day by day; therefore, the old practice of displaying video screens is not really effective to attract trade show visitors. You have to install various other interactive elements that can help you to attract the trade show visitors inside your booth.  The trade show attendees love to watch interactive gadgets in the trade booth.

Gamification is another good way to attract the visitors inside the trade booth. You should also offer an attractive prize for the winner. Well, attracting visitors inside the trade booth is not enough. The trade booth visitors should spend a long time inside your booth. It is possible only if they install interactive elements inside the trade booth. You can also think about various other creative ideas for exhibition stands.

2) Display Keep Message High

You should make sure that the key messages are easily readable. It is possible only if you place them three to four feet high. One of the main motives of all exhibitors is to spread brand awareness. It is possible by efficiently incorporating brand identity in your graphic display. You should keep your messages simple and display them in the right manner. You should choose a few impactful lines that are displayed with large fonts. Make sure that the font type you will choose is readable, even from a distance.

3) Add Some Blank Space

Well, we do not want our custom exhibition display to look sparse. But, it is imperative to leave some empty space. There are various benefits of incorporating some space in your exhibition display. It will let your booth look organized and attractive. You should fill the space inside your booth with the bulky furniture. Also, you should keep your space clean and welcoming for booth visitors.

Don’t pack it with clunky furniture and bulky inventory; keep it clean and inviting. Similarly, you should incorporate empty space in your graphic display to avoid the mess. According to the thumb rule, the attractive graphic display always contains 60 percent images and text. On the other hand, 40 percent of the space is empty.

The empty space will make sure that your message will be displayed efficiently, and the viewers can read your messages without any hurdle. Always keep in mind that you will get only one chance. Therefore, you should not over-clutter your exhibition stand display.

4) Use High-Resolution Images

The images that will be displayed on the exhibition stand graphics should be of high-resolution. Make sure that the images do not fade after printing. The faded images look unprofessional and leave a bad impression on the targeted audience. Also, you should incorporate properly formatted graphics in your exhibition stand display.

It is recommended to use only images that are clicked from the professional camera. If you do not want to have blurry, stretched, or pixelated images on the graphic display, then you should choose only high-pixel images.  In order to create a high impact, you should use 3D exhibition stall design.

5) Consistent Branding

You should incorporate consistent branding in your trade booth display. You should incorporate the brand identity in your display banners, brand images, freebies, and many more.  It is very important to make sure that your brand theme is consistent throughout the trade booth display.

6) Layout Of Trade Booth

Usually, people do not consider the layout of the exhibition stand. But, when it comes to the custom trade booth, then you should consider the layout of your booth. The unique layout of your booth can help you to stand out from other exhibitors. If you want to design a different layout for your trade booth, then hire experienced custom stand designers. The professional designers can also suggest various booth display ideas.

7) Choose Right Colors

It is very difficult to understand color psychology. It is quite complex and needs a lot of attention. The different people are drawn towards different colors. Therefore, you should wisely choose the color tones for your exhibition stand and the graphic display. The specific color you choose for the exhibition stand display will help you to attract your targeted audience in the trade booth.