8 Visual Studio Code Extensions That Simplify Programming

8 Visual Studio Code Extensions That Simplify Programming

Today, we have several code editors. Web programmers live, sleep, and eat code editors for creating and modifying programming language source code. But, every programmer peels a different opinion about the visual studio code editor, especially for its configuration settings. Yet, it bags the win owing to its popularity, light-weight, and easy codes. An additional feature like IntelliSense is also provided in its existing version that was previously available only in IDEs like Visual Studio’17 and Eclipse.

Now, it supports every programming language and technology due to the open-source network. It has made it even popular for those who prevented its use citing the ‘security’ issues. Well, those myths were debunked long back. JavaScript developers provide the best website development solutions by choosing any Visual Studio code they find apt as per the configuration. But, many non-tech heads don’t know that these Visual Studio codes are divided into different categories. Based on the requirement, a programmer chooses the desired category to play his role in the website development solutions.

1. Snippet Extensions

A programmer writes the repetitive codes due to the in-built JavaScript snippets. In case a programmer finds the code as insufficient, more can be added by installing an extension containing additional snippets. Below is the configuration code for displaying snippets on top. Below the code, a list of some snippet extensions is also shared for more knowledge.


  “editor.snippetSuggestions”: “top”


  • JavaScript (ES6)-Most popular Visual Studio code snippet with more than 3 million installs. Provides ES6 syntax for TypeScript, JavaScript, and HTML. The snippets include a semicolon at the end of the command.
  • JavaScript standard (JS)-A fork sample of the previously defined snippet but doesn’t carry a semicolon at the end of the command.
  • JavaScript Chapman Snippet-with nearly 33k installs and counting, this snippet is popular among web programmers. The prime reason for the popularity is the support of frameworks like Mocha and Jasmine.

2. Linter Extensions

Programmers often use linters for checking out the ‘enforcement’ of the right coding executed under Visual Studio code. This is a necessity because several snippets support a variety of code program language. Hence, for the justification of the right program code, linter application is mandatory. Visual Studio codes lack the in-built JavaScript feature, so, installing of surplus extension is required. You can choose one from the list below: 

  • ESLint- It is a well-knownsnippet that offers full support from ESLint library. You need additional plug-ins and ESLint packages to make the snippet work smoothly on a project.
  • JSHint- This linter supports the JS library with .jshintrc extension for the code.
  • StandardLint- It is an extension that is used for integrating the JS standard style into the Visual Studio code. There’s no additional requirement of a file, you simply need to disable the Visual Studio code built-in validator.

3. Syntax Highlighting Extensions

For the creation of different types of program projects and file extensions, there’s a requirement of syntax highlighting extensions. But, the latest version of the Visual Studio code supports the highlighting of syntaxes as per the pre-set standards. Let’s look at some widely used syntax highlighting extensions in the world of programming:

  • Babel Jscript- this extension promises the provision of syntax highlighting for ES201 JavaScript, REACT, FlowType, and GraphQL code.
  • DotENV- It is an extension that supports syntax highlighting for all files saved with extension .ENV.
  • Bracket Pair Colorizer 2- By using this extension, programmers can highlight matching brackets with different colors for identifying the right bracket with its mother block.

4. Node Package Management Extension

NPM is a requirement for all JS codes. They all have common use- fixing code loopholes. Listed below are some preferred NPMs by programmers.

  • Egamma NPM- It uses package.json for validating all packages installed. Furthermore, if something is mismatched, all extensions offer the option to get the glitch fixed.
  • Path IntelliSense- Fully compatible with HTML and CSS files, this extension automatically completes the file names.
  • NODE Exec- By using NODE Exec, a programmer can execute the programming code or a file just by pressing the F8 key. Basically, it works on the module of short cut keys for reducing efforts.
  • View Node Package- To view the node package source and documentation, while writing the code, programmers use this extension for fixing any glitch.
  • Search NODE modules- If you want to quickly open the node package folder without closing the current tab, the search node module extension will quickly open the file by navigating the folder.

5. Formatting Extensions

At times, programmers come cross codes that are not aligned in an apt manner or require fixing. It is a tedious and time-consuming process as indentation has to be done in every line. By this, the code becomes readable. To keep this issue at bay, there are some reliable formatting extensions listed below:

  • Prettier Code Formatter- Popular among web developers and programmers because it supports JavaScript, TypeScript, and CSS prettier formatting.
  • Beautify- Another popular extension among web programmers owing to its format support for HTML, JavaScript, JSON, and CSS. This extension can be modified by .jsbeautifyrc.
  • JS Refactor- It is an essential formatting extension for all programmers, especially those who are fixing the code frequently. JS Refactor is an extension that reduces the hassle to a huge extent. It has multiple utilities like extracting variables, converting existing code for using arrows, etc., and exporting functions.

6. Browser Extensions

 If a programmer writes the console code in another language, apart from JavaScript, it would be executed in a browser. It simply means that the programmer needs to refresh the page to view the new change. Instead of doing this manually, there are different extensions that can be used for iteration.

  • Debugger for Chrome- This extension allows the debugging of JavaScript code in Chrome.
  • Pre-View on Web Server- It is an extension for previewing the HTML code on the server. This feature can be accessed from the editor menu.
  • REST CLIENT- Rest Client is an extension tool that runs on HTTP requests. Its use helps in the prevention of browser involvement for testing API endpoints.

7. Testing Extensions

Testing of a project is always crucial while it is being developed. Hence, testing extensions are widely used for testing a program code.

  • Mocha Sidebar- It is an extension that runs directly on the code to identify errors. Best suitable in the Mocha Library.
  • ES6 Snippets- Using ES6 snippets, one can keep the code dry and omit minor errors. Owing to its flexibility, semicolons can be added as well.
  • Node TDD- Using this extension for website development, it can run a test on the JavaScript code wherever the code has been updated.

8. Framework Extension

If the programming framework doesn’t have an extension, it is supported by framework extensions. Below are some trusted framework extensions.

  • Angular- Programmers love angular snippet extension because it provides angular snippets for TypeScript, HTML, and Docker Files.
  • React Native Tools- Popular owing to the provision of IntelliSense, commands, and debugging features for all projects created in React Native.

 Summarizing Everything

Visual Studio codes have a vast assortment of extensions that are popularly chosen by JavaScript developers. Without using these codes, it always remains a hassle to execute the work smoothly. All programmers are selective of Visual Studio codes but selecting the right one makes it facile to execute the code without additional efforts.