A Checklist for Bringing Your Puppy or Kitten Home

A Checklist for Bringing Your Puppy or Kitten Home

So, you are thinking about getting a new addition to your family – what a very exciting time for everyone! However, you also want to be organized and prepared for this change and make sure you are ready for what having a new little family member will bring.

Make sure you do not forget anything important by using this ready-made checklist for bringing your puppy or your kitten home! You can still follow this checklist if you are adopting older animals, too – just use whatever is relevant to you.

Proper Food

First and foremost, having proper nutrition in the house is vital for when you bring your puppy or kitten home. They can have very sensitive stomachs, much like babies, so making sure you have their appropriate diet ready for them and their transition will be important for them and their gut health.

If you do want to deviate from their regular food, always check before giving them anything to make sure it is safe for them to eat!


Having an area where your pet can relax is vital for their wellbeing, especially for dogs, who are often not allowed out without you. This is in contrast to cats, who often have free rein on the roads before it is time for their dinner! Make an area that is just your dog’s, so your pet can feel comfortable and safe. Make sure your cat has plenty of cozy little spots where they can doze off, but rest assured, they will choose the spot they want the most, whether that be your fruit bowl or an old cardboard box.

It is also important for you to get your cat some litter and your puppy some puppy pads to help toilet training go a little easier.

Vets and Insurance

When you are getting a pet, your priority needs to be their safety and their health. This is why you should do some vet research as soon as possible and pick a reputable company. You should also take out some insurance to cover any up-and-coming bills such as routine vaccinations and health checks. This can also be great for any emergencies and accidents that could crop up, as it will help you with the costs of any treatments or surgery.

Visit easyvet to find out more about affordable pet care!


Enrichment for your new pets is yet another essential for you to prepare! They will only need a couple of toys to begin with, but make sure you have a good variety of styles. Some examples of this could be having a rope to play tug with to help with teething for dogs, a plushy toy to cuddle, some feather teasers to encourage coordination and motor skills in cats, and anything else you think might be fun, such as a ball or a laser light!

You should use these to begin your bonding with your new pet and welcome them into their new family home.