A Detailed Guide To Sell Your Used Bike At The Best Price

It is hard to sell a used bike because of personal sentimental value and the multitude of selling venues.

First of all, who would like to give up his or her dream car after so many years filled with thrilling and releasing road trips?!

Second, the selling process needs much of your time and energy. This can leave you feeling exhausted by the time everything is over.

But, don’t get discouraged. The good news is that if you do your homework and find the best options for yourself, then selling a motorcycle would be easy peasy.

Anyone who is willing to make an effort can be successful in selling his motorcycle. Don’t be fooled by some of the resources on this subject that say it’s a piece of cake. You get what you give, like with most things.

It is not always that simple if you really want to maximize your payday in the selling process.

Spend the time and effort to do it right from the beginning. Your wallet and your watch will be grateful in the long run.

We’ve done most of the work for you to save you time and help you get started with it!

Continue to hear how you can be a master at selling your motorcycle.

Best to become aware of your bike

Information is power. It is important to know your second hand bike more than the potential buyers. Get to know it as well as you possibly can beforehand.

Treat this process as preparing for a test. Just as when you were in school. Get ready to answer any questions a potential buyer might ask.

The last time you changed the oil? What about the brake fluid? When did you last align the tires?

This can include unearthing old files. However, you will be prepared to respond to such questions as these and others.

First impressions are everything, right? The shopper right away with your connectedness to this bike and how incredibly lucky you were to own such a fantastic piece of machinery. You are headed towards successfully selling your motorcycle.

Know the place to sell your bike

Now you’re the motorcycle expert. What’s next? It’s time to figure out where and how you would like your motorcycle sold. There are a few choices.

Give it to a professional dealer

You will probably be able to sell your motorcycle most quickly at a trade-in with your local dealer. Is there a need to sell your motorbike fast? Do you need fast cash? This will be a good starting point for you.

You may also have to spend your time instead of money. Dealerships are businesses. They must make a profit to remain in business.

They will give you less money than most private buyers do. You can be given 10-20 percent less than the fair value in a private market.

On the plus side, taking your motorcycle to a dealership means that you do not have to contend with hagglers and potential con artists. Any deal made will be secure.

Sell to a closed one

Selling your motorcycle may require a bit of luck, but all it takes is one interested person for you to sell.

Ask around. You may not have a friend who wants to purchase your motorcycle. But perhaps your friend’s friend does.

If you don’t ask, you’ll never know.

Take your motorcycle around town. Perhaps, you’ll stop somewhere and people will praise you with compliments. Tell them it is available for sale.

Even though they may not be personally interested, there is an outside chance that someone else might. You can then exchange information.

If you are selling your motorcycle to a friend or family member, be careful about the price tag. Maybe you want to offer them a good bargain for their assistance. However, be careful not to offer them too good of a deal. You don’t want to wake up the next day and realize that you left money on the table.

It is possible that once they get it, any minor problem with your motorcycle will bring them back to you. As the new owner is a family member or friend, you might be under pressure to repair problems that are not legally your obligation. This could also have a negative impact on your personal relationship with that person.

Submit an ad of your bike

Are you interested in selling your motorcycle privately but locally? You may not want to coordinate payment and shipment with an out-of-state buyer. This is the best route for you.

Classified ads are still carried in local newspapers both in print and online. Readership is on the decline in this digital age, but both alternatives still have an audience.

There are some subscribers of printed editions who may be looking for a motorcycle. Don’t limit your options.

Craigslist hosts a large number of people selling items locally. Listing a motorcycle costs only $5 for 30 days, which is why this option can be appealing. It also facilitates people to trade goods and services with others found in their vicinity.

Create a digital ad of a bike

The best chance that you will have to maximize your payday is to list your motorcycle on an online marketplace.

There are generic and niche marketplaces. Don’t limit your options here. You may look for a motorcycle marketplace that suits your needs most. Or you can choose a wider – yet bigger audience on site, such as eBay.

Most online shops will make you pay a small fee for listing your items. Listing the motorcycle will open up your pool of potential buyers by order. People from all over the country will see that your motorcycle is for sale.

More exposure generally gets more sales at a higher price. This will more than cover any listing fee.

It takes only one individual to fall in love with your motorcycle. If more people see it the better.

Buyers from outside your state may show interest. You will have to be ready for payment and shipping. But you could sell your motorcycle for more money. It is not hard to sell a motorcycle to an out-of-state buyer. You just need to be a little more cautious.

Alternatively, you can restrict yourself to local buyers. Or tell out-of-state customers that they have to come in person to purchase the motorcycle.

Park at the front for selling purposes

This is an old-fashioned way of selling a motorbike but it’s still one method available for sellers that have front yard spaces. If you’re not busy, there is no harm in trying.

The two biggest problems you face when advertising your motorcycle for sale in the front yard relate to limited exposure and security concerns. Not many people will see your motorcycle unless you live on a crazy busy road. It will likely stay in your yard for months before someone asks.

The second demerit is that it’s not safe. People can take your motorcycle from the yard. Or it may also not be comfortable dealing with such aggressive buyers who know where you stay. There is always the risk that an angry person will come back to hurt you after a while.

The two greatest advantages of this choice are that there is a chance to catch shoppers who only buy offline and the reliability it can give you as an online dealer.

Most people shop online, but there are still those who want to do everything in person. They might pass by your house and see the motorcycles parked in front of it. They may even have me as a more trustworthy seller simply because I live in their neighborhood. They realize you’re a true human being, just like them.

The main takeaway is that if you can comfortably operate with buyers visiting your house, then and only then ought you to sell your motorcycle from the front yard. It is not suitable for those who are not comfortable with such an idea.

Obtain the best price

This is a big one! Being humans, we inherently ascribe something as more valuable just because we touched it and shared memories with them.

Motorcycles are among such items that easily become priceless to their owners. It’s part of human nature. It motivates many of the private sellers to jack up prices on their motorcycles.

So, this is the tendency caused by our human nature too that induces us to count things that we

have not really touched or interacted with way less valuable. This is one of the reasons why we always feel that the asking price for a motorcycle that interests us should be lower.

That motorcycle doesn’t have much meaning as it has not become yet part of our lives. Once it does, its value will go through the roof in our minds.

In our dream world, we always buy motorcycles cheaper than what it is listed for sale and later sell them for more than the price that was paid. In fact, this seldom occurs and it should not be the norm.

The best rule of thumb is to price your asking amount after the market sets what you have got from old two-wheeler valuation, unless you have an ultra-model collector motorcycle. If you want to sell your motorcycle for the best price, then look at its current condition and any improvements it might have undergone in addition to the demand there is towards it like other similar models that are selling.

Spare a few minutes to properly calculate an absolute minimum amount that you’re willing to sell your motorcycle for. If you want to sell quickly, then that amount should be your asking price. You can, of course, price higher if you are in no big rush to sell and see what will happen.

Don’t be misled by friends’ comments about the fact that you should command so much more money for your motorcycle. They may be talking just to make you happy and keep the conversation running.

unless they’re willing to pay you that money for your motorcycle or know someone who would, don’t take their comments too seriously.

Also, the brokers and consigners tend to inflate how much money they will be able to get you for your motorcycle. They do this to create an exciting landscape image in your mind and make you consider using their services. Such statements are not guarantees. So, it is essential to read the fine print and learn about your motorcycle’s market value before signing any agreement.


Selling a used motorcycle is not a difficult process. With a few essential tips and tricks, you are good to go with selling the motorcycle at the price. Therefore, follow our guide diligently to foresee the best results. Also, do not forget to check the valuation of your old motorcycle at a reliable platform called Wheels of Trust (WOT).

WOT is a used two-wheeler valuation checking, bike selling, and exchange platform for the convenience of existing two-wheeler owners to get the right price. So, what are you waiting for, sell your bike now