Benefits of Early Braces Treatment in Children

Benefits of Early Braces Treatment in Children

In the past, most orthodontists did not recommend children braces until they lose their milk teeth and in their teenage years, but now, the narratives have changed. Children from seven years can get braces for kids. Orthodontists for kids first evaluate children between 6 – 8 years to check the child’s dental makeup and decide if the child needs an early braces intervention.

Early braces treatment in children will help to correct jaws and teeth developmental issues. A child may need to visit a kids orthodontist near me to get braces for any of the following conditions.

  • Crooked, misplaced, or crowded teeth
  • Crossbite, overbite, and underbite
  • Missing or extra teeth
  • Protruding teeth
  • Spaced teeth
  • Mostly breathing through the mouth
  • Difficulty in biting, chewing, and eating
  • Unproportioned teeth and jaws

If your child gets orthodontic treatment on time, it increases the child’s chances of better face and jaw growth. It also helps the child avoid potential oral health problems. During childhood, the jaws are malleable and can expand to create more space for the permanent teeth. Early orthodontic interventions also prevent tooth extraction and surgery in the future.

Getting your child braces to correct an orthodontic problem is also less painful and expensive. It also takes a shorter time compared to braces treatment in adults. Fixing an orthodontic issue in children also helps to reduce emotional anxiety associated with the facial appearance and boosts the child’s self-confidence.

The following are five benefits of early braces treatment.

  • Creates space to accommodate crowded teeth

    Undergoing orthodontic treatment between 6 – 7 years makes it easy to correct overcrowding of the teeth. Braces help the jaw expand to create room to accommodate the eruption of permanent teeth.
  • Improve the symmetry of the face

    Braces can correct misaligned and crooked teeth. The braces gradually move the teeth, and the movement of the teeth improves the appearance of the face. It also improves the bite and the alignment of both the jaws and teeth.
  • Prevents chipping of protruded teeth

    In children with protruding teeth, the lip does not cover the teeth adequately, and this exposes part of the teeth. The exposed part of the teeth is at risk of breaking or chipping. With braces, the protruding teeth can be corrected, and this reduces the risk of damage.
  • Correction of speech difficulties

    Overlapping of the top and bottom teeth can cause a whistling sound because it allows the escape of air while talking. This also affects the placement of the tongue, but with braces, you can correct the overbite and gapped teeth.
  • Reduces phase II treatment time

    Phase I treatment reduces trauma caused by protruding teeth, and this allows the perfect alignment of the permanent teeth. Aligned teeth lessen the need to remove the teeth, and it also reduces the time for phase II treatment.
  • Improves oral hygiene

    If the teeth are misaligned, it makes brushing and flossing difficult because the child may not get to some parts of the teeth which leads to the build-up of bacteria and plaques on the teeth

    Braces align the teeth, and this makes both brushing and flossing easier. Flossing and brushing the teeth correctly prevents periodontal diseases and cavities.
  • Improved self-confidence

    Children with protruding, misaligned, and crooked teeth tend to feel self-conscious when they smile, and this also affects self- confidence. Braces help improves your child’s appearance, which boosts their self-esteem. This also has a good impact on their social life and mental health.

Get access to kids braces in London to improve your child’s oral health. Contact Chatfield Dental Braces now to book an appointment with an orthodontist to correct your child’s misaligned or crooked teeth.