
Explore the Causes of IVF Process Failure

You have heard of success stories of the IVF process but have you ever wondered what are the causes of the IVF process? Well, IVF has a higher chance of success as compared to other fertility treatments. But, there are some reasons why IVF procedures become a failure. Let’s explore the causes of IVF process failure.  

  • Quality of Eggs or Sperms 

The quality of Eggs or Sperm also affects IVF success. If the woman has a healthy uterus but the quality of the female egg is poor or the sperm is of low mobility then, it impacts the IVF process. 

  • Embryo Quality 

Embryo quality is also the reason for IVF failure. When fertilization takes place, not all embryos are good for implantation. Some genetic embryos may have genetic abnormalities or fail to develop resulting in unsuccessful implantation or early miscarriage.                           

  • Age-Related Issues

As women age, their ovarian reserve diminishes, resulting in fewer and lower-quality eggs. Egg quality and sperm quality decrease when age increases. It is also advised an IVF specialist to undergo IVF treatment before 30 years to increase the chances of successful conception. Women tend to have a higher risk of developing health conditions that can impact fertility such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis. 

  • Endometrial Receptivity 

It means the ability of the endometrium to attach to the blastocyst and provide it with nutrition. If the endometrial receptivity does not implant the embryo accurately then it leads to IVF failure. To determine the woman’s endometrial receptivity, it was advised an Endometrial Receptivity Array (ERA Test) and Pre-implantation Genetic Screening.  ERA Test is also advised for women who have had two or more unsuccessful embryo transfers, Unsuccessful implantation of good-quality embryos, and thin endometrial lining. 

  • Uterine Abnormalities 

If there are any  Structural abnormalities in the uterus, such as fibroids or adhesions, then it can interfere with embryo implantation and pregnancy development after the IVF process. Uterine abnormalities like uterus didelphys, arcuate uterus,  unicornuate uterus, bicornuate uterus, septate uterus, and absent uterus. 

  • PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) 

You will be amazed to know that Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects up to almost 27 percent of women during their fertility period. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome can also be the reason behind IVF failure because during PCOS your body faces a hormonal imbalance and irregular periods. Women with PCOS may face difficulty in conceiving during the IVF process or embryo implantation. Acne, hair growth, weight gain, and dark skin patches are some of the symptoms of the PCOS condition. You can take the help of the Fertility specialist in Lucknow for a personalized treatment plan. 

  • Lifestyle Factors 

Smoking, drinking excessive alcohol, not eating a proper diet, and more are the common reasons behind IVF failure. It is important to understand that the relationship of your body and the development of your embryo depends on each other. Poor lifestyle habits may affect egg quality and hormone levels. Certain habits decrease the chances of successful implantation and may lead to early miscarriage. Unexplained infertility, stress, and medication-related chronic issues like diabetes, heart disease, and more are also the reasons behind IVF failure. 


The advantages of the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) process include:

  1. Treatment for Infertility: IVF offers hope for couples struggling with infertility by providing a viable option for conception when natural methods are unsuccessful.
  2. Increased Pregnancy Success Rates: IVF can significantly improve the chances of pregnancy for couples with fertility issues, particularly those with conditions such as blocked fallopian tubes, low sperm count, or ovulation disorders.
  3. Flexibility in Family Planning: IVF allows couples to plan pregnancies on their terms, offering options for timing and spacing pregnancies according to their preferences and circumstances.
  4. Genetic Screening: IVF enables preimplantation genetic testing, allowing couples to screen embryos for genetic disorders before implantation, reducing the risk of passing on inheritable diseases to their children.
  5. Treatment for Same-Sex Couples and Single Parents: IVF provides opportunities for same-sex couples and single individuals to conceive and build families through the use of donor eggs, sperm, or embryos.
  6. Preservation of Fertility: IVF allows individuals facing medical treatments that may compromise fertility, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, to preserve their fertility by freezing embryos or eggs for future use.
  7. Alternative to Traditional Conception: IVF offers an alternative route to parenthood for individuals or couples who are unable to conceive naturally, providing hope and options for building a family.
  8. Control Over Family Size: IVF allows couples to control the number of embryos transferred during treatment, reducing the risk of multiple pregnancies and complications associated with carrying multiples.


Understanding the common reasons for IVF failure can help couples and individuals work closely with their fertility specialists to understand infertility causes. Every fertility journey is unique, and it’s important to remember that IVF failures do not mean you can’t conceive a baby. A lot of advanced treatment options are available in IVF that can help you fulfill your dream of parenthood. Couples can make informed decisions and can improve their chances of success by understanding the reasons behind IVF.

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