How to Keep Your Dental Implant Clean and Hygienic?

How to Keep Your Dental Implant Clean and Hygienic

Dental implants have been a blessing for people who have lost their teeth due to tooth decay, accidents, or any other reason. It is estimated that almost six lakh people in India get dental implants each year. The implants have become so advanced that they appear as if they were real teeth.

Are you thinking of a dental implant?

Installed with ultra-modern equipment, the expert dental surgeons in dental clinics will carry out the process perfectly. The advanced implant procedure pursued by us will put the brightest smile on your face. However, we advise you to maintain proper dental hygiene and take adequate oral care to prevent tooth decay and gum-related issues.  

The way dentists handle each of the dental treatment methods, the usage of international quality apparatus, and the comprehensive treatment methods, etc are some major points you need to look for before taking an appointment at a dental clinic. We suggest you observe the points, we mentioned here, to keep the dental implant clean and hygienic.

1.Use a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

We have seen people often choosing hard toothbrushes, thinking that they will cleanse the teeth better. However, it is a misconception and a grave mistake you can commit. The hard bristles will cause wearing out of enamel and thus weaken the teeth. You may select a medium bristled toothbrush if ever you want. The best thing is to use a soft-bristled toothbrush. That is the first and foremost point, “use a soft-bristled toothbrush”.

2.No Harsh Products

Select only those toothpaste and mouthwashes that are specifically meant for sensitive teeth. The harsh or abrasive components will affect dental implants and reduce its life. The harshness may damage the color of the teeth too.

3.Use a Dental Floss or Water Flosser Daily

Only very few people use dental floss in India, the people using the water flosser is fewer than that. Water flosser is more recommended than dental floss. It is a healthier way to remove bacteria and keep the dental implant as well as the other teeth hygienic. Dentists usually advise people accordingly when they undergo dental implants.

4.Brush Twice a Day

A habit we must inculcate in our children since childhood, brushing twice a day. The first thing after getting up and the last thing before going to bed; you must brush and make sure that the teeth are clean. The remnants of food are the breeding haven of bacteria. Brushing will remove those food particles and reduce the chances of decay.

5.Say No to Smoking and Alcohol

Both tobacco and alcohol are injurious to health. It is advisable for both those who had a dental implant and those who didn’t have it. Why damage our body cells, our organs, and our health by continuing these hazardous habits?   

6.Sticky or Hard Food Items can Damage Your Implant

Chewing sticky or hard food items including steaks, caramel, hard candies, potato/ tapioca chips, carrot, nuts, apple and dry fruits can damage the dental implant and the opposing teeth. Keep away from such food items if you want your dental implant to remain healthy longer.

7.Use Crown & Bridge Floss

Using crown and bridge floss, which are specifically designed for dental implants will help keep the implants healthy and clean. The introduction of international-quality implants and equipment by quality dental specialists helps you get the best dental implant at competitive prices.

8.Visit the Dentists as Advised

Dental surgeons and dentists will direct you for periodic inspection of the dental implant. Abide by the directives to keep the implants healthier for the entire lifetime. You can obtain an appointment in advance, to avoid a long waiting period.

9. Use Low-Abrasive Toothpaste

People who need abrasive elements should use toothpaste that contains stain remover agents and baking soda.

10. Brush Under And Around The Dental Implant Crown

Post-surgery, you need to brush around the dental implant crown properly. Plaque and bacteria could accumulate below and around the implant-supported dentures crown. It leads to an increased risk for peri-implantitis. To brush these areas of the dental implant crown, try using an angle-necked toothbrush or an inter-brush with a thin head.

11. Tips For Immediate Aftercare

These tips will help you to take care of both you and the dental implant post-surgery.

  • Bite on the sponges placed in your mouth to control bleeding.
  • After the surgery, for the first 8 to 12 hours, hold your head up and avoid moving around
  • At 15-minute intervals, hold an ice block over your face.
  • Consume only soft foods and beverages, for the first 24 hours post the surgery
  • Take the medications prescribed by your doctor, at the right time
  • Don’t rinse your mouth, for the first 24 hours

If you are looking for the best dental clinic in Kochi, visit Dentique for the best dental implant treatment. Return to your home with a smile that will light up your face.