Save on Bills Through Your Air Conditioners This Winter

Save on Bills Through Your Air Conditioners

When winter comes, it brings along low temperatures. This means you’ll be getting unusually high bills because of reverse-cycle air conditioning. But what are reverse cycle ACs? These ACs use the air from outside, remove its coldness, and then throw the air inside. That’s why these ACs also go by the name of heat pumps. This feature in many ACs brings a 45% increase in energy use. While many people think that heaters are the only way to heat your homes, it’s not. Many different ways to keep your house warm and cozy without even spending a dime. So let’s find out the best ways to save bills with Air Conditioners Dubai.

–          Insulation is Key

Insulation is a great way to make sure that your home stays warm. It also helps in cutting down on extra electricity costs. How? As it keeps the warm air inside your house, so you won’t have to blast the heater all the time. But how do you make sure that you properly insulate your home? There are many different ways that will help you keep the warm air inside your home. This includes insulating the roof and wall cavities. You can call professionals to do the insulating job. They will either fill Styrofoam between the walls and roof or use other methods. But any measure that you take to insulate your home will help you cut down on extra electricity costs.

–          Cavities are Important

Hearing about cavities from the dentist might seem like trouble. But when we talk about insulation, cavities play an important role. Here, we are referring to the cavities between your walls. While, many parts of the world still have the trend of solid walls. These solid walls make you lose a lot of heat if you’re trying to stay warm. As the particles are close together, this makes your home have the same temperature as the outside. So, the best practice is to keep a little cavity between the wall and the plasterboard. You can then fill this place with insulating materials. Thus, keep your home’s temperature right where you like it.

–          Get Rid of Drafts

Whenever you turn on the heater, if you keep the door or window open, it beats its purpose. In the same way, the small gaps between the windows and doors affect your heating. These tight places create drafts that make the warm air mix with cold air. In fact, this is one of the most common problems most people face when dealing with heating problems. Luckily, the solution to it is super cheap, but only a few know it. You can either buy a draught excluder for a few bucks. Or simply stick a towel or cloth between those small gaps. This will help you keep the cold air outside, keeping your home warm and cozy.

–          Use Carpets and Curtains

Using carpets and curtains for your home is a great way to keep that warmth in. Curtains play two important roles. During the day, you can keep them open to let the sunlight heat up your home. And during the night, draw them so the warmth stays in. This prevents the air from bouncing off from the cold windows and cooling down. You can use heavier curtains if you want to make sure that the warm air stays inside. Similarly, using carpets is also a great way to trap heat inside your house. The threads and knitwork on the rugs and carpets trap warm air inside them. It also prevents the cold floor from making your home colder. So, you can use warm carpets and curtains to keep your house warm while giving it a fuzzy feel.

–          Closed Doors

You might think that keeping the heat in is a very difficult task. But sometimes, the most effective tips are the easiest and cheapest. Such is the case with insulating your home to keep the heat in. The trick is to keep the doors closed to trap the warm air. Especially in the rooms that you don’t use or the ones that stay empty. This creates another barrier for the warm air to escape from the windows. If you want to be more vigilant, then stuff a cloth or foam under the door. You can even buy door slip-ons online for a couple of bucks. This will help you keep the temperature under control.

–          Glaze the Windows

Window glazing is an important part of keeping your home temperature constant. Single-glazed windows allow more heat exchange than double-glazed. Why? Because they have a single layer of glass. While double-glazed windows have space between them. This space is full of a noble gas, usually Argon. This slows down the heat transfer from the outside. Thus keeping the temperature of your home right where you want it. While these windows can be a little costly. They save you heating and cooling costs, allowing you to save money all year round.

–          Use Ceiling Fans

This might sound like a strange idea, but if you know your thermodynamics, then you’ll understand this. Basically, warm air rises. Why? That’s a question for your physics professor to answer. The important thing is that the warm air rises, and we need to push it down. This is where ceiling fans will help you. They prevent the warm air from pooling around the ceiling. So you can set your ceiling fan at a low speed. This will help circulate the warm air around the room without cooling it. Thus making it a low-budget solution to your heating problems.

Ending Notes

Now that you know how to save up on bills during the winter. It’s time to prep for the scorching summers. After all, they’re just six months away! This is the time you’ll get the cheapest prices for Home Tank Chillers and air conditioners. So visit the Central Trading Company in Dubai today! Get your hands on the best air conditioning and heating deals today!